I.A.A.P.A. OH Yeah!!
As I change my calendar from October to November, my eyes instantly go down the page looking for the important dates. You know the ones…Daylight Saving Time Ends on the 4th (Fall Back), Election Day the 6th (Must Remember to Vote!!), Veterans Day Sunday 11th (Thank a Veteran) and of course Thanksgiving Day the 22nd ….now for me November 13th is both circled and underlined because that is both my Wedding Anniversary (19 years strong!) and also the Start of the I.A.A.P.A. Trade Show in Orlando FL.
IAPPA is the stand out for most of us in Amusements because it is a wonderful time to meet some of the amazing people that make up the Industry we love so much! To me IAAPA puts the stamp on the end of the current year, while at the same time starts off the dreams of the next year! I can not think of any other event in any industry that can accomplish both! Each year at IAPPA we all watch as the industry takes a step forward. Everyone brings the newest, best and greatest to place on display for the world to see; it is so exciting! All of this is done while keeping a watchful eye open to see the next celebrity walking down the isle.
So mark your calendar! You will not want to miss this!